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Tips For Pharma Marketing Success Through Content

Make your content work for you with these tips for pharma marketing success through content.

If you’re producing regular good content, here are tips that make sure you are making the most out of that content. In honesty, some of this is not rocket science, and you will know most if not all of it, but this blog can serve as a great checklist to ensure you get the most out of the content that you are producing.

The key to good content is that it avoids being overtly promotional and that it is useful or valuable to the consumer. It has to have a value to the customer, be seen as informative. It's also important that the content is also suitable for its desired audience.

But the primary goal in content promotion is to get the reader to the point where they acknowledge that they have a problem and understand fully that you have a solution to that problem. This is a piping hot sales lead. Content can do this.

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The most important thing is not just to have one piece of stand-alone content, but to have follow-up pieces that explore the issue in greater depth and provide more information. So in your first content, don’t give all your secrets away. The first piece has to be engaging enough for the reader to understand that this goes a long way to solving their problem, but then, the trick is to keep the real gold dust in the follow-up content. It’s tricky to do this granted, but this is the trick. It’s often called, ‘deeper engagement’.

You simply must split the content into first, second and third parts, each building on each other until the full solution. The world of B2C do this really well, B2B is catching up. Deeper engagement also builds relationships between you and the content visitor, it breeds brand recognition and trust, as they see you as the experts in that field.


You need to get something in return for the content right? Course you do, you have put a massive amount of effort into understanding it in the first instance, then writing about it. So when you give it away to someone, make sure you get something back in return. Get more info via gated content for each piece of content and ask for more information about the person.

The first piece might be a blog. They give you their email, name and company for this blog. The next piece of content might be a white paper, ask for more information, maybe job title, procurement role and location. Then the last piece of content, you ask them for the company size, and responsibilities of the reader. By the time they have read all three content, you have built a complete picture of the lead.


Often, marketers craft messages and content that isn't relevant to those they are talking to or looking to talk to. This content then becomes worthless. It's essential that all content created is suitable for the target audience, segment or vertical so that content can have an effect. Especially since we are looking for our readers to take action in some way. We have created a free guide for pharma marketers to get started with identifying audiences.


Do split the type of content as well. So for instance, the first point of engagement might be a blog. The second piece of content should be something a little deeper, maybe a white paper. The third piece of content might be a webinar. If they engage in all these, you know they are serious about your product.


Make sure you approach the sharing of the content constructively, not in a haphazard way. Plan, what content you put on what social media, what day what time, and how long before it re-appears. The best way to do this is in excel. I use a fabulous sheet that has all the social media and dates and gives you a birds’ eye view of what is happening when, where and for how long. Structuring this will give you so much more of an effective outcome. Take the time to organise this, it’s just as important as the content itself.


Optimise the content. It needs to be found and read. Simple as that. Yes, indeed you will be syndicating it as much and as often as you can across all your social media, maybe an e-blast to your opted-in database, all great stuff. But the only way into new people, who aren’t Twitter followers, LinkedIn in users, or on your data set, is through search. SEO is a whole other topic, which Orientation have some great blogs on, but make sure your top of Google for whatever your potential customers will search for when they stumble across that problem that you have the solution for.


It’s about being patient, keeping going, keeping writing and putting the continuous effort in. Writing a blog post, pushing it through your social media channels and sitting back hoping that the phone will ring off the hook.

You need to invest time and effort to create new content, keep releasing new content, and working on the SEO. But also to track back on previous content, checking where it is in Google. Moving it up the ranks, checking when the last time it was seen on their LinkedIn, and refreshing and re-posting over and over and over again.

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