Offering the best of nature via a range of promotional activities
A global leader in plant-based ingredients for the pharmaceutical, nutraceutical and the newly-entered beauty and cosmetics markets, Roquette has grown to become the leader in starch production in Europe and the number four ranked producer of starch worldwide. Roquette employs more than 6,600 people globally and achieved a turnover of over 2,5 billion euros in 2011.
Roquette needed to be much more visible through communication tactics around several key trade shows throughout the year. The organisation needed to identify and work with relevant digital media suppliers to promote its message and presence at key trade shows throughout the year. In addition to this, they had recently entered the cosmetics market and needed to promote this new business unit.
We undertook a comprehensive media plan research project, exploring every media brand (both print and digital platforms) in the industries our client serves, and conducted analysis on each media brand, based on the following metrics: audience, reach/impressions, CTR, CPM and geographical coverage. We delivered a long list and a short list of our recommendations to the client. After consultations with the client, we agreed upon a targeted short list of media brands.
Orientation Marketing carried out the booking of each asset handling all the heavy lifting involved in booking the space, material preparation and deadline submissions. Following the management of each advertising campaign, we prepared full metrics for presentation back to the client. We presented an analysis of the performance of each media brand and asset for the benefit of future campaigns.
We worked with our writers to create content, in this instance an executive interview with our client’s Vice President of the pharmaceutical global business unit. The article was well-received both internally and externally, as it fulfilled the campaign’s objective of educating the market on our client’s product portfolio and expertise within the pharmaceutical and nutraceutical industries. Orientation Marketing managed the content creation process through our writers and then used our design team to work on the layout of the finished article. We then proceeded to work with selected media suppliers to promote the content in advance of a key global trade event.
Talk to us to see how we can help you with your media planning and placements.
Roquette had produced a series of case studies around the topics of taste masking, swallowability, hot melt extrusion and film coating systems. Orientation Marketing worked to promote these with various media suppliers. Each case study was gated, and leads were sent directly to the client. The campaign resulted in high-quality leads, and a favourable cost-per-lead metric.
To support a hospitality and networking event at a key trade show, we organised a series of awareness campaigns through targeted publications using eBlasts and social media campaigns. The call to action of the campaign was to register for an invite to the event, ensuring each attendee was registered as a lead for our client’s sales team to follow up with post-event.
Roquette’s growing offering in the markets it operates within - biopharmaceuticals, food and cosmetics, for instance - means they needed a media partner that understood the wider industry and the publications within. We are able to recommend, plan and book media placements and marketing campaigns (predominantly digital) for Roquette across a range of titles across their divisions, boost awareness and generate leads with minimal input from the Roquette marketing teams.
Some stats from our early campaigns which we can publish: Newsletters (Impressions 113,733, Clicks 649), E-blasts (Impressions 427,779, Clicks 4,280), Published Articles (86,242 views) and Whitepapers and e-books (Leads: 792).