Digital Marketing in B2B PHARMACEUTICALs
Kick-start your digital marketing strategy with this comprehensive digital roadmap and guide
Effective Digital Marketing in B2B Pharmaceuticals
Free 20-chapter guide to kick-start and run your digital marketing strategy.
Download now.
For pharmaceutical and life science digital marketing professionals or traditional pharma marketers looking to better understand digital.
The Effective Digital Marketing in the B2B Pharmaceutical Sectors e-book provides:
An introduction to digital strategy
A step-by-step guide on how to create a digital marketing plan
Best practice tips for webinars, social media and email marketing
The types of virtual events and how to promote them via digital
How to combine SEO, content and inbound marketing
How to build an audience and generate leads
Bonus chapters on website optimisation and building trust online
A roadmap for success with digital marketing in B2B pharmaceuticals
100 pages specifically written for pharmaceutical marketers
Over 3,500 downloads…