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How Physician Explainer Videos Can Help Marketing Efforts

the digital options available to pharma marekters are both widely varied and overwhelming.

From conversion tools and hand-crafted landing pages to webinars and content marketing, picking the best possible marketing channel that ensures maximum engagement from physicians is not easy. And yet, the need for concrete results is there when it comes to online marketing, because it is so data-driven.

Among all of the different media formats available out there, physician explainer videos are one of the most efficient marketing efforts you can muster. Industry practice has shown that physicians have responded very well to these. With that in mind, we will explore all the different ways that explainer videos can aid pharma marketing worldwide.

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When it comes to the different target audiences all over the world of digital marketing, marketers often need to make wildly varying approaches. However, there is something all audiences have in common — short attention spans. Whether you’re pitching vacuum cleaners to Amazon-browsing homemakers or pharmaceuticals to physicians, the Internet has shortened our attention spans in the last three decades. And that goes double for decision-makers that have to make several important choices each day.

Physicians don’t have the energy, time, or inclination to perform detailed research on each product pharmaceutical companies pitch. In that competition, you can become well-known and distinguish yourself from others by being the most succinct and to the point. On average, physician explainer videos are rarely longer than three minutes.

That’s a lot less time compared to publications that even experienced physicians read for at least 15 minutes. On the other hand, basing a decision on an explainer video is far more cost-effective for everyone involved, making physicians respect you more. In an industry where competition is anything but low, such details are crucial for success.


How does marketing traditionally work in the world of pharma? You send out your newsletters via email, stream webinars online, and hand out reprints over calls. However, there is no limit when it comes to how you can distribute custom promotional videos.

On the one hand, you can always embed these physician explainer videos in the newsletters you send. This allows physicians to view these from the comfort of their phone or desktop browsers. However, you can also place videos on your website — ensuring even more conversions. Even embedding them on LinkedIn is very straightforward.

Moreover, explainer videos are not just useful for online marketing. You can just as easily play an explainer video at a conference that’s attended by swaths of physicians. As you can see, videos are more versatile than any other digital marketing channel.


When it comes to pharmaceutical marketing solutions, physician explainer videos are not the optimal solution just because they are short. Their linear nature is far more convincing and suggestive than written content. Over the course of only a couple of minutes, you present a disease, which is the problem, and your pharma product, which is the solution. It is pretty much the digital marketing equivalent of an excellent elevator pitch.

And sure, written content can follow a similar structure. But the fact remains — one of the reasons why more than 80% of marketers utilise video content is that user engagement is simply far better when you use videos. Visual content captivates the attention of the target audience far better than any blog could, and physicians are no exception in that regard.


When people think of physician explainer videos, they picture rigid TV commercials of old. But modern technology and tools for marketers allow you to edit video content more easily than ever before. Once you have the video content you will be using, the amount of editing freedom you’ll have is simply staggering.

You can always put in different voiceovers and completely change the tone of the video, for instance. Or, you can prolong it for a couple of seconds with an additional infographic that showcases the value of your product in more detail. Plus, if you want to appeal to a broader global market, it is always easy to replace the current voiceover with one in a different language; or, alternatively, add subtitles as a more affordable solution.

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Physician explainer videos don’t have to be challenging to create. In fact, they are one of the easiest marketing products whose creation you can outsource without being too worried about the quality. And as we have mentioned above, you will easily be able to edit the videos to your liking and achieve the finished product that you want. Mastering such tools is easier than ever before, and production times are lower than you’d think.


When you’re looking at pharma marketing tools and mediums, cost-effectiveness is also a critical factor. That is why it’s important to note that explainer videos provide one of the most significant returns on investment, even if they’re extremely high-quality and require more money to produce in the beginning.

On a similar note, it is far easier to gauge the ROI when you use physician explainer videos than when using other types of content. Case studies, reprints, and webinars don’t lend themselves to data analytics very well, which is an important factor in the world of digital marketing.

On the other hand, explainer videos give you concrete information. You can easily learn who among your target audience has seen what video.

You can also learn if they have watched the entire thing or which length of the runtime they stopped at. This allows you to pinpoint the least engaging parts of your videos for fine-tuning in later iterations. Not to mention the fact that you can learn if physicians undertook any actions towards conversion after they’ve seen the videos. Knowing all of this provides a considerable edge in digital marketing and allows for your content to become better and better over time.

For more on content and creative design in the pharmaceutical sectors, and how we can help you, visit our section on creative.

Guest contributor: Lisa Roberts.

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