Effective Advertising Techniques in Our Digital Age

Being able to effectively market your business by using the right advertising techniques is a crucial part of success.

This has long been true, but especially now that the digital age is upon us. Companies have unprecedented access to their customers and need to put all of their efforts into getting their messaging, products and ads in front of the right people.

If you don’t, your competition surely will. Everyone is competing for attention, and your marketing needs to be on point. But what sorts of techniques are modern businesses using to get ahead and stay relevant in the digital age? Well, that is exactly what this guide is going to take a closer look at. Continue reading to learn some of the best and most useful advertising techniques that your firm can use in the digital age.


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When you are crafting an ad, one of your primary goals should be to appeal to the emotions of your customer. You could attempt to excite them, make them happy, make them sad, surprise them, disgust them or anything else.

Appealing to any of these emotions can make the ad memorable, and make it more likely to stick in the viewer’s mind. You can also motivate people to complete a certain action by appealing to their emotions, as well.

Of course, be sure to put a lot of research into these ads. You need to make sure they resonate well with your audience. If you don’t understand your audience well, it can be hard to know what to include that they will care about or be moved by.


Color psychology is a very interesting topic and one that has a lot of value in marketing and advertising. Advertising is all about persuasion and trying to get people to complete the desired action. One of the best ways is through the intelligent use of color.

Color can help your product stand out and make it look better and many people actually buy certain products over others because of their color. If someone likes purple, they are more likely to buy a purple product than a direct competitor that is another color.

Different colors can also elicit different responses and emotions from consumers. For example, the color red shows boldness and excitement, while orange is a friendly and cheerful color. Blue is a very trustworthy and dependable color, and green is very peaceful and can signify health or growth.

So the colors you use will depend on what message you are trying to send with your product, company or advertisement. Subtle differences in changes in color can impact every from brand recognition to loyalty, to how reliable people see your company and products.


Another incredible technique to market any product or service is to use endorsements from celebrities or influencers. These celebrities have massive fan bases, and they hold a lot of influence over these fans. If they show something to their fans, you can bet they will take notice.

If a celebrity recommends or endorses a certain fragrance or beverage, you can be sure their fans will be lining up to buy them. People want to be like their idols and favourite stars, and will often purchase the product they use or endorse because of that. You simply need to find the right influencer and give them the relevant information about your product, and the short video they make can usually be done very well with a simple tool like Facetune's skin smoothing video filter app. Influencer marketing is really good value for money!

In most cases, you want to ensure the endorsement is from somebody who is at least somewhat related to your business. You don’t want to spend a ton of money working with a celebrity endorsement if that celebrity is someone that your target market hardly knows or is interested in.


People love free things, and offering a reward, prize or deal along with your product or service is a great advertising technique to consider. Very few things are free today, so the attraction of getting something extra without paying a scent can draw a lot of people in.

This could be giving away a free shirt with every purchase, holding sweepstakes for customers, including coupons or discounts in random orders and a variety of other tactics. This all creates a sense of excitement around your brand and gets people eager to participate.


An underrated tactic that should be used more is companies completing case studies. This is social proof that helps to show customers the benefit of what you have to offer, based on the experience of others.

These case studies should be relatively detailed, and show exactly how your product or service has helped a person and the various different ways it can be used. In addition to showing case studies, getting testimonials from past customers is incredibly important. If people read about the good experience others have had with you, it will make them more likely to become a customer.


Making your company more “human” can be another brilliant advertising technique. People want to feel a personal connection to the businesses they purchase from, so by making your business more human, you are helping customers put a face or personality to your brand.

This could be done by releasing behind-the-scenes content, creating videos, going live on social media or answering customer questions directly can all help people feel more connected to your brand, which often translates to loyalty. People will appreciate the effort you are putting forward to not simply be seen as just another business.


Using nostalgia is a popular marketing technique and for good reason. Every age group and generation has certain characters, settings and songs that can take them back in time to when they were a child. Using nostalgia in your ads can put people in a happy place, and can help them see the rest of your ad in a favorable light. It can be used in nearly every niche or industry, as well.

While this technique can always be effective, it is especially great when people are going through hardships. This is because seeing something that takes them back to the simple days of childhood can be a temporary escape and remind them of when they were carefree and happy. In conclusion, these are some of the most effective and useful advertising techniques businesses are using today. They are far from the only ones, but are all great options to consider.

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Guest contributor: Kyla Stewart, The Blog Frog.

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